Wiltshire Coaches

Wiltshire Coaches

I went to a meeting of the Wiltshire Coaches Network recently. It was a really useful event. There’s a great mix of different coaches around the table. These coaches all have different skills. As a consequence we were able to get some powerful discussion going and great ideas. I think the best aspect is understanding the different capabilities of the members. This also matters when my clients need help in specific areas of expertise. For me this is the critical aspect of any client relationship, the use of others where I don’t have the specific skills. This also means that my clients can get access to the very best skills for their businesses. This group is therefore a “must” for anyone delivering services to Wiltshire Clients. It also means that Wiltshire businesses can get access to the very best local skills to help them grow.

Get the right business coaching skill

I believe strongly that it is important to have the right skill for the job. In Wiltshire we have coaches with a huge variety of skills and customers often need access to these skills for particular issues. Being a member of such a varied and capable network means I can bring those skills to my clients when they need them.